
Our Ethics Charter has been drafted for all SAFRA Group employees, and defines the behaviours to be adopted and the rules to be followed, all in compliance with our values, the laws in force, and the company’s interests.


Respect for men and women is one of our core values. Employees are called upon to share common values and objectives with their colleagues and to collaborate in a safe and stimulating atmosphere. Rules of good conduct are communicated and applied by all our employees upon their arrival.
Sept individus de diverses origines s'unissent par les mains


We condemn all forms of active and passive corruption. Fraud, dishonesty, as well as any criminal behaviour, are strictly prohibited in the Group. All our employees undertake to respect and enforce these rules internally, but also when they are outside their workplace. 

For suppliers, a Responsible Sourcing Charter has been created for them to communicate the values and expectations of SAFRA Group companies.


Since its creation, the SAFRA Group has been committed to providing information that is more transparent and accessible to all, and that creates value for companies and their stakeholders. Employees may thus have access to confidential or sensitive information. They agree not to use or disclose privileged or confidential information to anyone else.

We attach great importance to the protection of a number of people, including employees, customers, suppliers and others. This is why we have adopted common principles grouped within the Privacy Policy for the personal data we collect.